It’s outdoor kitchen season! Here in Winnipeg, the outdoor (and outdoor kitchen) season is short and making sure you get the most of it helps get us through those long cold winters. When the sun is out, getting outside is priority one! It’s a well known fact that food...
Here you are, finally making the leap and ripping out those old laminate countertops and upgrading to an incredible slab of quartz or granite. It’s an exciting day and nothing can spoil it. Until… The installers bring in the stone, set it in place and everything...
We’re happy you’ve decided to choose stone for your countertop project, but now what? We’ve been fabricating and installing stone countertops for a long time, so we’ve got the whole process down to a science. In this post, we’ll share our process with you so you know...
Stone countertops, how durable are they really? (If you missed “Part One: Stains”, check it out here!) Full disclosure: I don’t personally have stone countertops (yet), so these stress tests are as much for me as they are for you! I’ve heard a lot about the beauty and...
(The following science experiment is performed by trained professionals in a very scientific setting. Please do not attempt at home.) Someone call Bill Nye, because we’re going to do some science! It’s pretty common knowledge that while stone makes some of the most...
This catalogue shows a small (and growing) selection of the sinks and faucets we carry. Many of these products are available in different colours or finishes. See the product description for a complete list.